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  • Writer's pictureLynne Testoni

Time for strategic thinking

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

There have been many things said about this rather surreal time in which we find ourselves, but I have decided that the best approach is to see this period as a gift.

It would be so easy to be negative about the lockdown period, but a bit of breathing space can be an opportunity to rest, take stock and look at how we are doing in regards to our online marketing. It is a great time to see how we can work smarter and get balance back into our lives.

With so many of us confined to our homes, some of my clients are finding that their web traffic is soaring, even though (obviously) instore traffic is non-existent. It definitely is the chance to make sure your online content is the best it can be.

Some of my clients, such as Wynstan and Aplan Kitchens, have put a huge effort behind the scenes to set up online consultations between their customers and their staff as part of their website update. Clever thinking.

Others, including restaurants, are using this time to pivot (and isn't that just the most over-used word at the moment?) to offer up-market takeaway options and set up a social media calendar for the rest of the year.

With the bulk of my clients working in building, construction and interiors, I haven't seen a huge drop in my work, but everyone has been learning how to adapt their business to the ever-changing rules that we are obliged to follow. It's a good lesson not to take anything for granted.

During the last four years of my business, it has been extremely rare for me to have some downtime, but in the few pockets of spare time I've had in the last four weeks, I have taken the chance to update my own website (including this blog) and continue to work on the podcast I do with Rachel Smith, called The Content Byte, which looks at how to run a freelance business and create engaging content for clients.

Now in our third series, our episode on Freelancing During a Crisis has been particularly popular as everyone everywhere struggles to make sense of what's been happening and how to adjust. Our podcast audience continues to grow and I am enjoying this new skill set - talk to me about how to start a podcast for your brand or company! It's surprisingly easy and a great brand-builder.

What have I learnt in the last month? It seems that being flexible and open to new ideas is probably the most important of all business skills. Need help adapting, or moving online? Perhaps it's time for us to connect via Zoom (another new skill we've all been learning) and chat about future-proofing your business.


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